Is quinoa killing us?

Any Old Ash
1 min readApr 27, 2021

It’s so bloody confusing knowing how to be an effective environmental warrior.

Quinoa, which has been touted as a “super food” seems to be a very healthy choice. It’s high in protein, fiber, vitamin B and minerals. It’s vegan and has a relatively low environments impact. But the price of quinoa has exploded and there are documented negative effects on the people who farm quinoa with one consequence being that these people are no longer able to afford and eat the cops they farm.

So here you have a case where you can eat the right thing — for your body and for the environment — but it impacts an indigenous people half a world away.

And surely if those people are affected, then we — living in our big cities are affected. I hate to sound like a super-idealist, but it still seems to me that the whole of humanity must do better before any of us as individuals can do better.

Anyway, just a thought for today.



Any Old Ash

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